Thursday, January 7, 2010

To:  Our thousands of supporters throughout the state (cc'd to the media, house & senate members, and Governor)

From:  Our Expanded Team of co-sponsors for this year's initiative:  Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, Mike Fagan, Mike Dunmire, Senator Don Benton, Senator Janea Holmquist, Erma Turner, Nancy Nelson, Dagny Lord, Keli Carender, & Senator Pam Roach, ph: 425-493-9127, email:, (go to our website to do a secure donation by VISA/Mastercard/PayPal or print out the form below, fill it out, and return it with a check or money order or credit card information)

RE:  DESPICABLE:  Democrats promise to gut Initiative 960 so they can MASSIVELY RAISE TAXES -- but I-960's protections are working exactly as the voters' intended, preventing BILLIONS in higher taxes -- and that's why Democrats are going after it

        Despicable (adjective) -- de·spi·ca·ble -- so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation.

        Three times the voters have approved ballot measures requiring 2/3's legislative approval for tax increases, most recently in 2007 with our Initiative 960.  Democrat Governor Gregoire and Democrat Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown did their dead-level best back then to convince the voters not to approve I-960 -- they made their case vigorously and repeatedly in the campaign -- but in the end, the majority of voters wanted the extra protection that I-960 provides and voted to approve it. 
        Disrespectful and disdainful of the voters' decision, Democrat Lisa Brown concocted a tax increase in 2008 to serve as a vehicle to sue the voters in the State Supreme Court to get the policy overturned.  Funded by special interest groups, her lawsuit was unanimously rejected by the State Supreme Court.  It stands as one of the greatest victories taxpayers have ever had.  It successfully stopped Gregoire and Democrats, in 2008 and 2009, from taking THREE TO FOUR BILLION DOLLARS IN HIGHER TAXES from struggling taxpayers.
        Undeterred by what the voters said and what all nine supreme court justices decided, Democrat Lisa Brown announced yesterday at the Associated Press Legislative Preview Forum:  "We will modify, er, suspend Initiative 960."  She said it was "a moral necessity" to get rid of the 2/3's requirement to make it easier to raise taxes.  The most absurd thing she said was that I-960's requirement that the people and the press be notified about the costs and how legislators' voted on their revenue-raising bills was "ludicrous." 
       What is "morally necessary" is for them to abide by the voters' approved policies -- after all, they work for us. 
       What is "ludicrous" is for them to believe that they can tax us into prosperity -- raising taxes will only kick the taxpayers when they're down and extend the recession.
        It is really despicable for Gregoire and the Democrats to disrespect and disregard the voters' ballot box decision regarding the 2/3's policy on raising taxes and its sunshine provisions. 
        I-960 is doing exactly what the voters intended and we are committed to fighting to protect the voters' decision on it.  Our 2010 initiative -- "Save The 2/3's Vote For Tax Increases" -- puts a very bright spotlight on the Democrats' tax-hiking agenda and their scheme to jettison its protections. 
        We are scrambling to raise the funds necessary to do our first post office mailing to everyone on our database (26,000 supporters) to kick-off our signature drive for this initiative.  Your financial support is really critical, ESPECIALLY THIS WEEK.  Please donate TODAY.  Working together, we can protect ourselves, our fellow taxpayers, and our fragile economy from the Democrats' short-sighted tax-hiking agenda.
        To get this critical campaign started, we need your financial commitment to ensure the success of the "Save 2/3's Vote For Tax Increases" Initiative.  Please fill out the form below TODAY and send us a donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more (there are no limits on the amount that can be given) to our Spokane offices.  Or, you can do a SECURE donation online - - we accept VISA/MC/PAYPAL.  Please send in your most generous donation RIGHT NOW.

        This is the most effective counter-offensive to Gregoire's 2010 tax-raising agenda.  Help make it happen.  FULL STEAM AHEAD!

Regards, Our Expanded Team of co-sponsors for this year's initiative:  Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, Mike Fagan, Mike Dunmire, Senator Don Benton, Senator Janea Holmquist, Erma Turner, Nancy Nelson, Dagny Lord, Keli Carender, & Senator Pam Roach, ph: 425-493-9127, email:, (go to our website to do a secure donation by VISA/Mastercard/PayPal or print out the form below, fill it out, and return it with a check or money order or credit card information)

SAVE 2/3’s VOTE FOR TAX INCREASES • PO Box 18250 • Spokane • WA • 99228 • PH: 425-493-8707 • FAX: 425-493-1027 • •
Thanks for fighting for taxpayers with Save 2/3’s Vote For Tax Increases.  Here’s my contribution for $ ___________

Your Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip, Phone # ______________________________________________________________________

Enclosed is my check for $ ______________________ Made payable to “Save 2/3’s Vote For Tax Increases”

Occupation __________________  Employer & Employer zip code _________________________________

VISA or M/C number ___________________________  Exp. date (MM/YY) _____/_____  Amt. $ _________

CRITICAL:  Email address (please print clearly) __________________________________________________

Voluntary donations to “Save 2/3’s Vote For Tax Increases” are not tax-deductible.  Voluntary donations to “Save 2/3’s Vote For Tax Increases” are political donations that will be used to qualify this critically important taxpayer protection initiative for the November, 2010 ballot.